Kimberly Marrone, A.P.
Board Certified Acupuncture Physician (A.P.)
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (C.F.M.P.)
Kimberly Marrone, A.P. is an Acupuncture Physician practicing in Delray Beach, Florida. Kim is a board certified Acupuncture Physician in the State of Florida and is certified by NCCAOM (National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
She was granted a Bachelor of Health Science and a Master of Oriental Medicine from Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is the owner of Evolve Acupuncture & Wellness, a busy wellness practice where all facets of patient healthcare are provided.
Combining a passion for Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine and Holistic Nutrition, Kim offers nurturing, caring and effective healing using these modalities. She has a special interest in treating fertility and women’s health, sports injuries and muscular skeletal pain issues, auto-immune disorders, digestive disorders and stress and anxiety that are so common in todays patient.
Kim brings a unique approach and understanding to her acupuncture and wellness practice by blending her education and experience in Functional Medicine with her deep knowledge and understanding of Eastern Medicine. She has a keen understanding of the complexity of the human body and its intricate connections to the mind, emotions and the environment that each of her patients experience. It is with this background, and as a patient of acupuncture herself, that She can personally testify to the power of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine combined with the science of Functional Medicine and the results that can be achieved.
Over the years, Kim has witnessed firsthand how profoundly Chinese medicine and Functional Medicine can help heal, and often combines acupuncture and herbal therapies with dietary and lifestyle support. Working in partnership with her patients, Kim loves to demonstrate how small adjustments in our lives can lead to lasting health and healing. She has helped hundreds of patients find healing and taught them how to maintain it since beginning her practices in 2007.
One of Kim’s passions is helping the community develop healthcare strategies and teaching young people about caring for their body and their health.
Kim is an active member of a local Delray Beach nonprofit, Wise Tribe that is dedicated to helping bring health, wellness and food citizenship to her young community.
Kim is an active public speaker because she believes in bringing the powerful health and wellness tools to everyone.